Sunday, September 4, 2011

Binky to the Rescue

Binky to the Rescue by Ashley Spires. Kids Can Press (2010). ISBN 9781554535972 (Hardcover)

Reading level: 3rd grade

Interest level: Grades 1-5

Genres: Graphic novel, humor, quirky  
Subjects: Cats, imagination, space aliens, insects

Recommend this book to:  Fans of humor and graphic novels, particularly fans of Calvin and Hobbes. Older kids and adults will enjoy Binky’s exploits, particularly cat lovers and fans of quirky graphic novels such as Trondhiem’s A.L.I.E.E.N. and Sfar’s Little Vampire.  

What’s it about? 
Binky is no ordinary cat—he is a Space Cat, on a mission to protect his space station from alien invasion! But what happens when his best friend Ted falls into outer space and is attacked by a horde of angry, stinging aliens?  

Cast of Characters:
- Binky: the incorrigible cat, who believes he is on a mission to protect his home from aliens (insects).
-Ted: Binky’s copilot, a purple stuffed mousie.
-Binky’s Human: a woman with cat-eyed glasses. Although she gives Binky cuddles, she has no idea how well-deserved those cuddles are—she thinks Binky is an ordinary house cat.
-Wasps: the villains, though they claim otherwise. There is a warning on the verso page before the story begins from W.A.S.P. (Wasps Against Stereotypes and Propaganda) that reading this book ignores “years of anger management, counseling, and charity work in which many wasps have engaged.”

Want to find out more? Read the review!  

Binky the Space Cat has an important mission: to protect his space station (his home) and human companions from alien invaders (such as pesky flies).  When he accidentally falls into outer space (a back yard, complete with a lawn gnome), he discovers many strange new aliens, including the sort that use bungee cords to help them fly (spiders). He also discovers that his co-pilot, Ted (a stuffed mouse) has also fallen into out space. In the midst of rescuing his friend, he encounters sinister alien force. Dozens of angry wasps emerge from their warship and begin stinging our hero.  When all looks lost, Binky’s human swoops in and rescues him. Poor Ted, though, is left in outer space, at the mercy of the aliens.  The second half of the book details numerous foiled rescue attempts.  It’s not easy for Binky to keep his Space cat identity under wraps!

This book excels as a whole package, with a hilarious dead-pan narrative and expressive, cartoonish pen and watercolor panels done in subtle hues. Greens and grays and browns provide a subtle backdrop for the chubby, charming back and white Binky.  This book has a different feel than most graphic novels, since most of the text is either sound effects, some quite unique,  like the “pumf” as Binky lands on a couch, or narration. There are some speech bubbles as well, but many panels are virtually wordless.  A lot of the humor is derived from Binky’s perception of his world. His reaction to the backyard is particularly amusing—when he drops into “outer space,” he exclaims “Holy Fuzzbutt!” and hides from a bird flying overhead. Even flowers seem a tad sinister. Offer this unique, quirky book, and the other titles in this series, to unique quirky children who appreciate subtle humor.     

Other titles in series:
Binky the Space Cat (2009)
Binky Under Pressure (2011)

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